Forum Terms of service
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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.
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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.Forum Terms of service U must read this terms of service to the end and u are acepting the conditions in full. The moderators of this forum will try hard to edit or remove reprehensible messages as soon as possible. However, it is impossible for them to review all the messages. You thus admit that all the messages posted on this forum express the sight and opinion of their respective authors and not those of the moderators or the Webmaster (except messages posted by them) and consequently, they cannot be held responsible of the discussions.This forum uses cookies to store information on your computer. These cookies will not contain any personal information; they are only used to improve comfort while browsing. The address e-mail is only used in order to confirm the details of your registration as your password (and also to send you back your password if you forget it).- Aggressive or slanderous messages, as well as personal insults and critics, the coarseness and vulgarities, and more generally any message contravening the French laws are prohibited.- Messages who promote - or evoke - illegal practices are prohibited.- If you post informations which come from another site, look first if the site in question doesn't forbid it. Show the address of the site in question in order to respect the work of their administrators!- Please post your messages only once. The repetitions are unpleasant and useless!- Please make an effort on grammar and spelling. SMS-style language (ex: r u sk8ing?) is not advised!- Please note with entering in this forum u agree with following you know we will not give you sure matches, you are playing with your money on your own risk.- Please note with entering in this forum u agree you are not underaged and you know we will not give you back your money for membership and you acept to play all the tips of the day for our bonus with five euros and if all of them win you must give us all of the money from that winining bonus ticket if you dont then you acept to be baned without giving you back your membership.For example if we give you wining tip of odds ten u must give us one fifty euros.- Duzni ste procitati ovaj text do kraja i prihvatate uslove rada. Please obratite pozor na sledece uslove i pravila foruma , da sa ulaskom u forum i placanjem clanarine slazete se sa sledecim da mi garantujemo povrat clanarine od sredine novembra dvehiljadevete godine i taj povrat novca vazi samo za one clanove koji su platili za super VIP forum koji kosta 400 eura a ne one koji su dobili forum po drugoj osnovi, slazete se da primate ka znanju da mi cemo vam udvostruciti ulog uplate na nase tipove ali samo na ulog koji vam mi preporucimo. Ukoliko odigrate vece novcane uloge od onih koji Vam mi preporucimo mi ne odgovaramo za to i ne odgovaramo da cemo Vam onda udvostruciti ulog na kraju meseca . Preporuceno igranje ce Vam biti napisano u prvom postu u VIP forumu i kretace se od jedan do pet eura po uplati po danu. Taj iznos na kraju meseca smo mi duzni da Vam udvostrucimo ili vratimo novac od clanarine ili da Vam dopunimo ukog do duplirane kolicine novca. Primer ako ste na kraju meseca ulozili na uloge trideset eura a u dobitku ste samo cetrdeset eura mi smo duzni da vam doplatimo razliku od deset eura ili vratimo clanarinu.Dupliranje ne obuhvata i trosak koji ste imali za samu clanarinu. Duzni ste da igrate samo onoliko koliko Vam mi kazemo da odigrate , sve iznad toga ne garantujemo da cemo Vam nadoknaditi do dupliranog ukupnog uloga. Na kraju meseca ukoliko niste u plusu mozemo ili da Vam vratimo mesecnu clanarinu od pedeset eura ili da Vam doplatimo razliku do dupliranog iznosa vasih ulaganja koje smo mi preporucili. Pravilo je da vam se isplati iznos koji je manji i to primate ka znaju i saglasni ste sa tim pravilom foruma. Primate ka znanju i slazete se da kolicina naseg dnevnog bonusa koji morate uplatiti svakoga dana po pet eura ne ulaze u sumu koju mi moramo da dupliramo na kraju meseca.Prihvatate da u slucaju spora je nadlezan sud u Ukrajini. Slazete se da teret prevoda ovog pravilnika foruma pada na Vas i da ste vi duzni da sami prevedete ono sto vam nije jasnoi sa samim prihvatanjem uslova se slazete da ste razuemli uslove kao na svome meternejm jeziku.Slazete se da kada dobijete ulaz ulaz i pretplatu za mesec dana dojava i namestenih utakmica prognoza i insajder dojave da ste duzni da jos jednom pre uplata procitajte pravila sajta i da ne dodje do zabune i prhvatate ih u potpunosti .Pravila su na glavnoj strani sajta .Ujedno slazete se da morate postovati i pravila sajta na koja ste se obavezali pri koriscenju nasih usluga i na ovome forumu.Duzni ste da uplacujete bonus.Ukratko sto ne smete zaboraviti je da ukoliko koristite usluge mesecna pretplata od sajta i morate na parove koje su vam dati u toku dana da odigrate i BONUS od 10 eura jedan tiket koji potom uplacujete dobitak nama. Primer data vam je kvota 7 dugujete nam posle meca ako zelite dalju saradnju 70 eura. Ukoliko ne smatramo da raskidate saradnju i prekidamo da vam dajemo dalje tipove i clanarina Vam propada.Sve to imate u pravilima sajta na koje ste se slozili kad ste stupili u saradnju sa nama. Procitajte molimo Vas da ne dodje do zabune jos jednom. U are informed for your obligation for translating of this forum rulles and you take this rulles like you understund them in your own language, for translation use google translator obligation for misunderstanding is on you. In disagreement it is walid court of Ukraine.Please take in mind this rules of the forum about our guaranty about doubling your staked monthly money. You are obliged to play amount of money and stakes in amount which we told you to make. Suggested money bet will be posted in first post in VIP forum, and will be from one to five euros per day. All of your placed bets we are obliged to double but only in the quantity of bets stakes which we told you to bet. If you bet higher then suggested bet we are not obliged to double that stake. In the amount of which we are obliged to double is not entering your monthly membership only suggested stakes. For example if we suggest to play thirty euros per month and you in the end of the month only win forty euros we are obliged only to add ten euros more to finish our obligation to double your staked money. In the end of the month if you are not in doubled profit and doubled suggested stake according to this forum rules we can send your money for membership or we will send you the money until you do double your profit. Forum rules is to bring you back amount of money which we choose and you agree with this forum rules. Amount of money of five euros which you must play for our daily bonus is not entering in the amount of money which we must double in the end of the month.You acept any adition rules of the forum which is given to read and acept on this adres . All additional rulles are there and they are part of this forum obligation rules. Sa ulaskom u forum i placanjem clanarine slazete se sa sledecim da mi ne dajemo sigurne meceve i da vi igrate na svoj rizik, prhvatate da niste maloletni i da prihvatate da mi novac od clanarine ne vracamo, prihvatate da morate odigrati nas bonus od pet eura na jedan bonus tiket sve parove dana i da ako ih sve pogodimo taj bonus celu dobit od tog tiketa morate poslati nama ukoliko ne bicete banirani a clanarina vam propada. Primer ako pogodimo na tiketu kvotu dvadeset dugujete nam sto eura. Prihvatate da sve sto nije prpisano ovde kao pravilnik foruma je propisano na adresi koji je sastavni deo ovog ugovora i rpavilnika foruma. Prihvatate da nam dugujete dve hiljade eura koje mozemo potrazivati od Vas samo za pristup nashem sajtu i pri samoj registraciji prihvatate da ste nam duzni tu sumu kao cenu pristupa informacijama koje dajemo clanovima foruma na forumu ili koje postavljamo na blogu. Ovu sumu ostavljate na nama da biramo kada i dali cemo da vam je potrazujemo ali generalno se slazete da ste nam je duzni isplatiti zbog koriscenja besplatnih parova koji su postavljeni na forumu i nasem blogu.Prihvatate da ne smete nikome davati nase tipove niti davati ulaz u VIP sekciju i da smete da se logujete samo preko jedne IP adrese na forum ukoliko se logira bilo ko preko vasheg nika na nash forum prihvatate da mi imamo pravo da vas automatski iskljucimo sa foruma bez povrata clanarine.Ukoliko kupite paket dojava dana slazete se da uplacujete pet evra bonus na taj singl i da taj iznos od dobitka posaljete nama . Primate na znanju da mi mozemo postavljati utakmice i samo sat vremena pre pocetka i ne prihvatamo opravdanja da niste videli utakmice i da ih niste odigrali. Vasa je duznost da se informisete na forumu a mi nismo duzni da vas sve specijalno obavestavamo o ponudi nego vi se logujete i proveravate na oglasnoj tabli za vipovce.Prhvatate ka znanju i slazete se da ukoliko ne posaljete nas bonus imamo pravo da Vas baniramo sa foruma i mesecna clanarina Vam propada.Primer data je kvota dvadeset dugujete nam pedeset eura za nastavak saradnje. If you choose daily fixed forum u must play five euros on that match for our bonus, if tip is a winer you must give us that bonus.Example if we win odds ten you must pay us fifty euros or we have rights to BAN you and your membership is stoped until you dont pay our bonus.With acepting the rules of registration you acept the fact you must pay us 2000 euros for open membership and using of our tiips for members which we posted in our blog . We can demand from you that money when you wish and if we wish and you are obliged to pay us that money.We provides an opportunity to aces to the information, advice (such as legal and financial advice), ideas and opinions .We does not assume responsibility or accept liability for the content, accuracy, truthfulness or reliability of information, advice, ideas and opinions appearing on our forum from other persons , or for any claims, damages or losses resulting from the dissemination or use of any information, advice, ideas and opinions appearing. You specifically agree that we are not responsible or liable for any threatening, defamatory, obscene, offensive or illegal content or conduct of any other party or any infringement of another's rights, including intellectual property rights. You specifically agree that we are not responsible for any content sent using and/or included in the Service by any third party. Although we are not required to monitor or edit the interactive portions of our site, we reserve the right to do so and to delete any content provided by a user. We are not responsible for any failure or delay in removing inaccurate or harmful content.Third Party Websites and Content.The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by is, its subsidiaries and affiliates of the opinions or views expressed by these linked websites and we dont verify, endorse, or take responsibility for the accuracy, currency, completeness or quality of the content contained in these sites. Furthermore, we are not responsible for the quality or delivery of the products or services offered, accessed, obtained or advertised by such sites. As such, neither we, its subsidiaries and affiliates will be responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information contained in these sites. To the extent that these sites collect personal information (the "Information") or Submission(s) from the user, be advised that in no event shall we assume or have any responsibility or liability for the manner in which the Information or Submission(s) are exploited or for any claims, damages, or losses resulting from their use and/or appearance on these sites. Finally, we will under no circumstances be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or special loss or other damage, whether arising from negligence, breach of contract, defamation, infringement of copyright or other intellectual property rights, caused by the exhibition, distribution or exploitation of any information or content contained within these sites.In order to maintain tolerant and thoughtful interaction, we expects you to respect the rights and dignity of others. Accordingly, you may not in personal messages: Harass, intimidate, or threaten another user; victimize, degrade, or intimidate an individual or group on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or disability; interfere with another user’s rights to privacy (including by harvesting or collecting information about our users);distribute junk or bulk e-mail, chain letters, surveys, contests, lotteries, or any other form of unauthorized solicitation; post to our site any material that is defamatory, fraudulent, tortious, profane, obscene or indecent including, but not limited to, nude photos of yourself or others or pornographic photos or images; post to our site any trademarks, logos, trade secrets, or copyrighted material that you aren't authorized to post; post to us any virus, worm, Trojan Horse, or any other computer code, file, or program that may or is intended to damage the operation of any hardware, software, or telecommunications equipment; advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services for any non-personal purpose without the approval of ours; impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a our official, forum leader, guide, or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; or forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any transmissions through the Service; try to gain unauthorized access to the Service, other user accounts, or computers connected to the Service through password mining or other means; and violate any applicable laws or regulations, including, but not limited to, laws regarding the transmission of technical data or software exported . To the extent that portions of our site we provide users an opportunity to submit, post and/or exchange information, ideas, opinions, photographs, images, video, creative works, or any other material in private messages (hereafter, the "Submission(s)"), please be advised that Submission do not necessarily reflect the views of ours. In no event shall we assume or have any responsibility or liability for any Submission or for any claims, damages or losses resulting from their use and/or appearance on our site. By posting a Submission, you automatically grant to us an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable. fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, publicly perform, publicly display, prepare derivative works of, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part), and distribute such Submission in whole or in part for any purpose, in any and all media, now known or hereafter devised, alone, or together or as part of other material of any kind or nature without any obligation to compensate you or anyone else.By posting a Submission, you represent and warrant that you have all necessary rights in such Submission and all information contained therein and that such Submission does not contain libelous, tortious, or otherwise unlawful information that may infringe upon the right of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary rights. If your Submission incorporates the name, voice, likeness or image of any individual, you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant us permission to use such name, voice, likeness and/or image of such individual appearing in the Submission in all media throughout the world in perpetuity.Without limiting the foregoing, we will have the right to delete, use and change the Submission in any manner that we may determine. Please be advised that in no event shall we assume or have any responsibility or liability for the manner in which the Submission is exploited or for any claim, damages or losses resulting from their use and/or appearance on our websites, affiliated television programming services or elsewhere. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold our site, its partners, affiliated subsidiary and/or related entities and parties harmless from and against any breach or alleged breach of any of your representations, warranties or undertakings hereunder.Notwithstanding the foregoing, you acknowledge that any Submission that you post on our forum, is available to the general public, and you therefore waive any and all potential claims against us relating to, among other things, privacy, defamation or false light.We reserves the right to highlight, categorize or otherwise bring attention to in any manner we deems appropriate in its sole discretion to any Profile you may create. You acknowledge that certain technical processing of your messages and their content may be required to:1. Send and receive messages;2. Conform to connecting networks' technical requirements;3. Conform to the limitations of the Service; or 4. Conform to other similar requirements.You acknowledge that such processing and alteration are automated and do not constitute the exercise of editorial control over the messages or the monitoring of message content. You agree that we may access your account, including its contents, as stated above or to respond to service or technical issues.We reserves the right to set limits on the number of messages you may send or store. You agree that we has no responsibility or liability for the deletion or failure to store any messages and other communications or other content maintained or transmitted by the Service. You acknowledge that we reserves the right to log off accounts that are inactive for an extended period of time. You further acknowledge that we reserves the right to change its general practices and limits at any time, in its sole discretion, with or without notice. Additional Services may offer special Services. You may not resell or make any commercial use of these information ,services, downloads, or software. All of these additional services are conditioned on your acceptance without modification of these Terms of Use. Ownership of Intellectual Property.All site software, design, text, images, photographs, illustrations, audioclips, videoclips, artwork, graphic material, or other copyrightable elements, and the selection and arrangements thereof, and trademarks, service marks and trade names (the "Material") are the property of ours and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates or assigns and are protected, without limitation, pursuant to U.S. and foreign copyright, trademark and other applicable laws. We hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable limited license to use and display the Material for noncommercial and personal use only provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such Material. You agree not to reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, display, perform, publish, distribute, disseminate, broadcast or circulate any Material to any third party (including, without limitation, the display and distribution of the Material via a third party website) without the express prior written consent of ours. Use of our information is only permitted for your personal needs only. You further agree that you will not disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise modify the Material. Any unauthorized or prohibited use may subject the offender to civil liability and criminal prosecution under applicable federal and state laws. Copyrights.All content on our site is protected under copyright law . You canot download a copy of our site or our conversations without our prior aproval. - Please make an effort on grammar and spelling. SMS-style language (ex: r u sk8ing?) is not advised!- Messages who promote - or evoke - illegal practices are prohibited.- If you post informations which come from another siteAny message contravening the listing above will be edited or removed without additional notice or justification within deadlines which will depend on the availability of the moderators. Any abuse will involve the cancellation of the registration. Internet is neither an anonymous space, nor a space of no-right! We reserve ourselves the possibility of informing your access provider and/or the legal authorities of any malevolent behavior. An IP address of each poster is recorded in order to help us to make you respect these conditions.By clicking on " I agree to these terms " below:- You acknowledge to have fully read these current rules;- You commit yourself to respect unreservedly these current rules;- You grant the moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any discussion subject at any moment.I Agree to these termsI do not agree to these terms